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首页>《陈瘾》  第93章

网友:Sukimei 打分:2 [2024-03-02 19:53:32] 来自印度

Why don't you update it daily (10k words every chapter) I want to see main couple romance, their biological children and this story ending very very badly! It will be almost 3 years. When will you really end this novel? As a reader author should also understand the pain of waiting!


[1楼] 作者回复 [2024-03-06 00:31:58] 来自湖北

Thank you very much for your unrelenting support, and I am very sorry to cause you unhappiness. I'm a little busy with my studies, which doesn't leave me much time to write. The story is already going a little differently than I thought it would. Originally, I wanted to write a simple story, but as I looked into more materials, I found that there were often holes in the story, and I had more things that I wanted to put into the story, and I was not good enough to include them. I often spend a lot of time refining the story and making it logical. As a writer and a reader, I know the pain of waiting, and I'm sorry. In addition, my English is not very good, I do not quite understand the meaning of "their biological children" and "the story ending very badly".


[2楼] 网友:Sukimei [2024-03-06 19:40:10] 来自印度

It almost 4 years, the novel is still ongoing. Reading ongoing story is kind of torturous when anyone (I like this novel) end up liking that particular story. On top of that you do not update it daily.
Your question to {their biological children} It means children born between 2 women{Li Yuan giving birth to Chen Yu child naturally, with some kind magic water or fruit or gu, like straight couples children. please do not say it is illogical! Then Time travel (At least you cannot travel to the past, as it does not exist), transmigration, omega-verse (I mean abo settings) is also illogical.
(story ending very very badly) means I have craving to read it ending!


[3楼] 作者回复 [2024-03-07 01:04:56] 来自湖北

Thank you so much for your continued support. I too long to write the end, I often hate why I write so slowly. I'll try to keep the story logical.


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