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12、(twelve)Return ...

  •   “Sarah, there will be a prom neat week!” Sam screamed to me.

      “Er?! Please don't ask me to go this time! Ask Jason go with you.”

      “No, come with me, please. Sarah~you are my beat friend.” Sam appealed.

      “So, I am having no choice, right?”

      “Yes!” Sam smile and give me a big hug.

      The prom is still fun, but the president won't have a speech this time. Kenny hasn't come back yet, it's almost three months. I miss him. I walk out the stadium and sit on the bench, the weather is become colder and colder. The winds blow and I shiver. So I decide to go back the prom. I walk to the side of the dance floor and stand against the wall and in a daze again. The memories come out, the first time, Kenny and I danced in the dance floor and I still remember what he did and said.

      “Could I have the honor to dance with you?” a hand sticks out.

      “I am not good at dancing.” I said without thinking.

      “It's ok.” The sound is true. I raise my head so quick almost hurt my neck. It's him, smiling and looking at me, earring shining under the spotlight. I put my hand in the hand that stick out, he hold it tightly and I can feel it's warm.

      My tears come out, “I miss you.”

      “Me too.”


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