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11、(eleven) i am missing u ...

  •   Now is a month after we go back to school. The weather is getting colder and colder, the color of maple trees becomes red.

      Jason and Sam were fell in love with each others. They are together all the time. And Kenny went away; he said that he has to talk to the presbyters.
      One day, I am on the way to the library and I heard someone is calling me. Then I see Roy, he is standing against the tree.

      “Hey, Sarah.” He waves his hand towards me. I stop and look at him.

      “I just want to tell you something about Klein.” He said and smile. Then we sit on the bench under the phoenix trees.

      “Klein and I were friends since long time ago, we grew up together. He is excellent. So the presbyters want him to be the haeres of the clan. However, Klein doesn’t like it at all. So he left the clan and he met you and fell in love you. Klein doesn’t want to go back to the clan anymore. So the presbyters want to kill you.”

      “Why…” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

      “He want back because there is a commandment in the clan. ‘None of the vampire can hurt a vampire who wants to become a human, but he or she has to give up anything as a vampire, include power and eternal life.’ I really admire his courage. So, that’s all I want to tell you. Have a nice day,
      Sarah.” Roy stands up and ready to leacv.

      “Oh, one more thing. Before Klein left, he asked me to protect you when he is not here.” Roy turned and said.

      I can only hear the sound of fallen leaf and wind. Tears slide from my face gradually. “Kenny, where are you? I miss you so much.” I susurrated.

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