“once we dreamt that we were strangers. we wake up to find that we were dear to each other.
sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.
some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples. ……“(注1) 邹筱抬手拉下了顾承影正在读的诗集。“你就是念罗密欧啊罗密欧你为什么是罗密欧也无法解除我心中的怨恨!“ 顾承影有恢复了他平日慵懒而又自信的表情,靠坐在床头,轻笑出声“我只是在抒发自己的情感,如果你想听什么,Bracci,(注2)不如我们来念另一首。“ 邹筱在心中哀嚎,这不是他认识的顾承影啊,那个温柔绅士的人去火星定居了嘛?这个半句话不离高端文艺的酸家伙,一会会不会来和他探讨一下‘当你注视着深渊,深渊也在注视你’(注3)啊? 邹筱心中突然冒出一个念头,他不会是……烧傻了吧?!