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267、Tertius ...

  •   Tertius是一位男巫,生活于16世纪。出自《魔药之书》第七章福灵剂:


  • 作者有话要说:  【《魔药之书》中有关Tertius的内容】
    One day, however, I came across a thin and ragged youth lying face-down on the slippery black rocks near my home. He was pitifully weak and told me only that his name was Tertius. I took him back to my cave and nursed him back to health. He told me the story of his life and a hard one it was.
    The youngest of three orphaned brothers, Tertius had been the only wizard in a family of non-magical folk. Frightened of his strange powers, his older siblings broke his wand and chased him out of the house after his parents died. Fleeing, Tertius fell into the sea, and was washed up on Hermetray. I did not wish to keep Tertius with me, for any company interfered with my experiments, nor did I wish anyone to know what I had lately created, because I knew that people would be desperate to steal it. I therefore gave him a few coins, a new cloak and boat, and offered him a farewell drink. He did not know that it contained Felix Felicis.
    As he crossed the waters back to the mainland, a wind blew Tertius off-course. He came ashore at the home of the only wizarding family living for fifty miles. They were concerned to hear that he had no wand and they asked if he would care to accompany them to Diagon Alley. Upon arrival in the street of magical shops, Tertius found a bag of gold lying in the gutter. He used this to purchase a wand and new robes. Walking back past Gringotts he overheard two wizards discussing vacancies for curse-breakers. Tertius applied and was taken on.
    Although the effects of Felix Felicis wore off after twelve hours, Tertius never looked back. He became one of the most famous Gringotts curse-breakers ever. Meanwhile I took most pleasurable revenge on his cruel brothers by sending them what they believed to be a large bottle of Butterbeer, but which was actually a gallon of extrastrength Shrinking Solution. Both of them shrank to the size of beetle, and, so the story goes, spent several days hiding under a cupboard while their cat tried to scoop them out and eat them.

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