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首页>《陈瘾》  第90章

网友:Sukimei 打分:2 [2023-01-17 15:27:22] 来自孟加拉

I'm checking everyday to see if you updated a new chapter. I hope whenever you are free and it's not putting pressure on you, can you please update new chapters?
ONE of my utmost request is can you please update uncensored car chapter in Weibo so that I can also see? I can't create a Weibo account only with email since my country code phone number option is missing while even Indian ones are available.


[1楼] 作者回复 [2023-01-18 09:46:04] 来自福建

I'm so honored that you liked my story. I actually write part of it every day, but it takes me a long time to reach the words and revise them properly. I will try my best to ensure the integrity of the content on this website, and I will publish some necessary but not published on Weibo, you can search "予不知" to read. If you don't have access to Weibo, you can leave your platform and I will try to post on it.

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