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首页>《陈瘾》  第90章

网友:`闭眼听风的大猫 打分:2 [2023-01-13 23:35:52] 来自青海



[1楼] 作者回复 [2023-01-14 00:07:10] 来自福建



[2楼] 网友:Sukimei [2023-01-14 00:41:25] 来自孟加拉

I am also waiting for real progress. Means after MC's death, there will be real development in their romance & plot as well. It's gonna be almost 1 Million words, but I just think this story is still stuck at the same circle for a long time, while their romance has zero development.

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[3楼] 作者回复 [2023-01-14 02:52:10] 来自福建

I've been trying to figure out how to speed things up without being top-heavy.


[4楼] 作者回复 [2023-01-14 02:58:16] 来自福建

Their love is progressing a little bit. Li Yuan showed her displeasure at Chen Yu's painting of the beauty. She was jealous.


[5楼] 网友:`闭眼听风的大猫 [2023-01-15 01:08:04] 来自青海



[6楼] 作者回复 [2023-01-15 01:47:50] 来自福建



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