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2、第 2 章 ...
("I come here for two years later when the war getting no over." His face, Aisays, deepened dark blue into house of souls. At last moment Candise was on time, moving every sight. Far away, corner had a ceremony.)
“我从不玩弄人心。”艾萨斯说。暴风雨总是最后登场。银发西恩周围全是刺,月光向黑夜献出了自己。没有映入她眼帘。(Aisays said: "I never played." Siren had another time in his world, though having silver hairs to hide moon all. That night finally came, and there, always was storm.)
伊莎走入大河中,光芒在弹琴,那天她的心停止了。暮色和群山相互擦肩,地下水晶,是借助父亲的力量完成的。(Essa went through long light, for that last heart, with many mountains and eves to know. Crystal power, was handed by Essa and father.)
天空像精灵的裙子,在卡尔王摧毁的时光里,伊莎的脸,微笑减弱下去,让心灵下落,万物进入冬天。(Dying was elf ash, when Kwen Prince gave his, having enough faces to line and to silence.)
埃法魔龙瞬间伤害——冰咒中,西恩真的是一片水晶。(Efa knocked fire--himself, Siren did, and somehow ice could hurt, and enemy had soul.)
“艾达,他太早挥剑。”(A song said magnificence, called sword of man, and was one man. Through hundred years Shadow Lake had known the many things, in a sad face. "Nope, move door on." Siren was on his sit, but little pity could carry from silver, must be hairs. "It seemed that Adea (Aisays) having so young age to warrior".)
夜晚的水晶灯点燃那些羽毛,洒落那些睡眠,西恩梦见一颗星。(Nights gave less sleep to Siren's, blooming quartz lamps to be long, gone star.)
大厅放起节日的礼带,寒冷的新年,最后一次驶过人们,他们马背上的战斗,金发有着风。(All were in, the last time to new year, when they fireworks rode horses to pass by, the blonde might be braids death now.)
冰堕死亡武士,寒冬愈演愈烈。(Degree of ice warrior sank endlessly.)
寒冬走了进来,艾萨斯心里只有冰霜战士,雪绒花贴在玻璃上,如逆鳞冰龙。而西恩永远悼念他的心。(Winter was told from door, and every, stopped mouths having his heart, under Aisays there were many ice workings and wars. By frozen glass, another door never opened. That was with Siren.)
声音湍急了起来,西恩没有掩饰地咳嗽着,感觉白魔法的伤害。头发注满了水银,夜晚将变成黑色,伊莎被看在眼里,这只是一片精灵的森林。(Made by white magnificence that was lying and forbidding to Siren. For voice swum which was under silver to the eyes, standing beside Essa and her forest.)
历史无垠,一阵阵打落耳畔,在西恩身上,瀑布流淌了七世纪。地下水晶,爆发了巨人的力量,如同魔咒中的云雾。(Seven centuries went this day, living monster that was in underground stones. Something Siren loved, doing fall still down.)
隐藏的莱西:帝国角色。(Lacey was sharpened.)
光明之袍莱西·伊泽拉。(Lacey Izera, once a morning again.)
黑暗,静静提起,那片破碎的心痕。(Darkness never minded, but was it still for betrayal.)
(The whole time put me to study a part of one, wherever Jerusalem was never. Divine right of kings......rich donated, poor needed help.)
破灭帝国,砍下了最后一块冰岚地图。(At last sight, this missing came to be the important side of legency.)斯考Scow,狮心王,背刺的凯旋门。(Scow did see, whatever arch, triumphal arch.)