There are many signs you can point to that demonstrate that someone is a exceptional musical talent: recording-breaking selling CDs, fame, fortune, adoring fans, etc. But, perhaps what is more significant testament that a musician is more gifted than one can imagine is when that artist has universal appeal. This is when that person’s music is so special and touches your heart so deeply that it transcends national and cultural boundaries or barriers of language, time zones, etc. My Princess, Zhou Bichang, is just such a person and it is because she is such a happens-only-once-in-a-generation talent, that I am here writing to you today.
To begin with, I am also the last person on the planet who should have been attracted to the music of a young, Chinese pop singer like Bibi. First of all, I am an American who spends as much or more time in Brasil than he does in China. As a consequence, I used to listen to almost nothing but Bossa Nova from Brasil - 90 per cent of it in Portuguese rather than in English – and Portuguese is a language I speak an understand much better than Chinese. Secondly, I had been spending years travelling in China – back and forth for writing assignments of one kind or another – and for most of that time I had been rather unimpressed with Chinese popular music.
What I had heard for years was uninspired techno-pop, at least that is what I thought at the time. Processed music that had all the appeal of processed food - trotted out in a seemingly endless parade of CDs that all seemed to be clones of one another. All of the female artists had the same re-touched, porcelain-looking faces and the male artists all had the same spiked hair with mirrored sunglasses-look. The music of these female artists of the time imitated the sound and melodic rhythm patterns of ancient Chinese stringed instruments like the sanxian or yehu – but they were digitally remixed to the point where there was absolutely no natural quality left in the voice you were hearing.
So, if you had told me ten years ago that I would someday think that a popular Chinese female vocalist had the most beautiful voice I had ever heard in my life I would have said you were beyond crazy.
Well,you have to be careful with a word like “crazy” - because you never know when you might do something that falls into that category. In my case, I can only repeat the line of Kevin Costner’s character from the opening scene of his famous 1989 film “Field of Dreams.”
“But until I heard The Voice...l'd never done a crazy thing in my whole life.” “The Voice,” of course, was the Princess, and it was the most incredible sound I had heard in 30 years.
I noticed her for the first time several months after the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I, for some reason I still cannot remember, decided to watch one of the dozens of You Tube postings of the Chinese music video, 北京欢迎你(“Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni” or “Beijing Welcomes You”). Someone had sent me an *.mp3 file of the song months before, but it was not of very good quality and since it was audio onlyyou could not see who any of the artists performing actually were. As you all know, the video had been produced for the 100-day countdown leading up to the 8 August 2008 Olympic Games and featured 100 of the most famous Mandarin Chinese musical artists from mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea. Each artist sings two or three lines before handing off to the next singer in the rotation and each artist is filmed with some famous location within China as the background for their appearance.
The first chorus features “Big Brother” Jackie Chan on top of a mountain overlooking the Great Wall. After Jackie’s cameo I turned away- and was only half-listening as I had the video playing on one computer screen while I was working on another. But, when I heard one of these 100 vocalists sing the first two lines of the next verse after this first chorus I froze. I paused the video and ran it back. I could not believe what I was hearing and seeing.
It was the Princess, of course. A very short sample of her voice, to be sure, but there was a texture and a depth to it – what I can only describe as “multi-layered” – that very few vocalists are blessed with. Additionally, this was an artist had her own style – the thick, black glasses, short hair (which is now longer after an image makeover that she went through earlier this year) and a sporty type of dress. I had never seen such an incredible combination of vocal finesse and style.
At that precise moment I literally felt like I had been struck by lightning. For a few seconds it was as though time stood still. The clocks stopped moving, the Earth stopped rotating and everything else in the world disappeared from my sight as her voice and visual image were buried deep inside of me – as though someone had shot an arrow through my heart. This is the beginning of this love story. From that moment on I was in love with her and her music and will be as long as I am alive.
This began a year and a half long search for me to discover who the Princess was. Where did she come from, how did she become so famous, what was her professional history as an artist, what kind of music had she recorded in the past, etc. Many times in this process I stopped and said to myself “well, this is fascinating person and hers is an incredibly compelling story, but someone else should be writing about her and not me. This is someone else’s job,” I kept telling myself.
But as much as I tried to shove her out of my head and stop thinking about her I just could not. Something – some force, some higher power, some heavenly authority– kept telling me to get back into this story. “You have not done enough – you have to keep learning more about her.” The Voice would not allow me for one minute not to think about her or her music. Like Kevin Costner’s character, The Voice kept telling me to press on – to “go the distance” - and keep working at writing stories that would make the world outside of China know about the Princess.
I began to listen to as much of her music as I could find. This was not so easy to do because I live in Kiev, Ukraine - where her CDs are not anything you would ever find in a music shop. I do not believe in downloading music for free because that is really stealing from her. So, I had friends send me copies of her CDs, I ordered them on-line, I purchased them in Singapore and in Beijing, I downloaded live concert performances and her music videos from You Tube – all until I had just about every piece of music she had ever recorded.
And what music it was. I will never forget how beautiful so many of her songs felt to me the first time I heard them – and how beautiful they continue to sound to me to this day. Please understand this as well - I am a man of music. I have played it all my life and for manyyears I performed in musical groups on weekends. I had so much musical equipment that I used to play and operate every weekend that the basement of my parent’s home back in America today looks like a museum of 20th century electronic pianos and other keyboards. I have played for/with many talented vocalists, so I can appreciate the intricate details, chord patterns, arrangements and the studio production of her music more than perhaps many other people.
But, having said that - when I listened to her music I could not just sit there and dispassionately analyse it by picking out the notes and key changes. It was if a fountain of magic water had opened up and poured all over me. I felt all of the love that is the soul of her music washing over me and my world just changed forever.
Her music moved me so much that I cried like I have never cried in my life. Not once at a movie or from hearing any other music ever did I cry as hard as this. I could not control myself. Every time I heard that angelic voice of hers - if I was sitting in my office or in a hotel room on travel or at home sitting in my living room I just broke down and cried over and over. I then asked Chinese friends of mine to translate her lyrics for me for many of her songs and when I read the words and could understand the songs better I cried even harder. Even to this day I find my eyes watering and my heart trembling as I listen to her music.
In the middle of all of this, one of my Chinese friends sent me some phrases from an ancient verse that I am told many school children in your country are taught at a young age -
“You could not see my tears cause I am in the water.“ the fish said to the water. “But I could feel your tears because you are in me,“ answered the water. So, I wondered if I – as the fish – could make the rest of the world – the water – feel the wondrous quality of her music.
This meant that the next step was going to my editors at some of the magazines I write for and asking their permission to do a story on the Princess – and hopefully not have them think I was completely crazy. I must have done an incredibly good job of convincing them that she was the story of the century, because they all said yes. You know about the articles that have been published in China, and two profiles of her are going to be published very soon in the US – after which I am sure the world is really going to want to know more about her.
The final step after this was talking to her management agency in Beijing and also hoping they did not think I was crazy as well. They were – to my relief – very understanding and have done their best to be helpful to me. In many respects, I could not have asked for more wonderful people to deal with and they have given me more access to her than I could have ever hoped for.
To continue the story, after about 18 months – and untold hours of research later - on 24 July 2010 I found myself at Beijing’s Capital Indoor Stadium to see her live in concert. It was two days before her 25th birthday and I was not only going to attend her concert, but I was going to the after-party to meet her in person. I was a nervous wreck at the thought of meeting her.
Since this day was two days before her 25th birthday I wanted to present her with something very special. I had spent months ordering and buying different gifts for her – some of which I left at her management agency’s office in Beijing when I met with them in May. The rest of these gifts – the expensive ones – were in a big box I had carefully wrapped with “Happy Birthday” gift packaging paper that I had purchased in London the week before I flew to Beijing.
As the concert was ending I ran for a taxi and flew like a mad person back to the hotel where the after-party was taking place. I took a shower, put on one of the six, new Ralph Lauren shirts I had just purchased when I was in the US because I knew that I was going to meet her (I could not decide which one I wanted to wear when I met her, so I ended up buying a whole pile of new shirts) and one of my nicest blue blazers. I felt like my heart was beating 1000 times more rapidly than normal when she arrived the party- and even faster when I met her in person and handed her this wrapped box of gifts.
Once again, time stood still for me and I still cannot remember much about meeting her. She is so overwhelmingly beautiful in person that it is impossible for me to describe this to you. God obviously decided to reach down and create one of the most gorgeous girls ever born and then gave her a perfect voice in addition. I was so blinded that all I can remember is that I said “hello Princess,” kissed her hand, told her how incredible her concert performance had been and handed her this box.
About a month later we were in Beijing together in a private room in a very nice restaurant – one of those places that combines the wonders of Chinese cooking with western-style interior décor. I had brought a bottle of my favourite Spanish red wine with me and we had a long two-hour discussion that was assisted by a very close colleague of mine who is a superb translator.
The Princess was her typical, low-key self. She dressed simply in a t-shirt, blue sports pants and sport shoes. She wore her signature thick-framed glasses and part of the time was busily playing with her new Apple iPhone 4G.(This was a real one, not one of the countless imitations you see being sold all over China.) She was soft-spoken, elegant, down-to-earth. And, as you would expect, she was once again the most beautiful sight I had ever experienced in my life.
I had arrived before her and was in the private room and was an even worse nervous wreck than the last time I had met her. When she walked in she just said “oh, hi Reuben” and I heard her voice I felt an electric shock go through by body. The most beautiful woman in the world with the most incredible voice had just said my name, which is not something that happens to me every day, and I will remember this moment forever.
Much of the time when we talked the Princess spoke in English, but sometimes reverted back to Chinese for interpretation. She is a lovely person to speak to and the type of individual you would love to spend an entire evening of cocktails, dinner by candlelight and listening to music with. Anyone who is able to spend time with her is so incredibly lucky and that is how I feel now. I am the luckiest, most blessed person in the world for having had the chance to talk with her and I hope I will so again in the future. But, all of us are so lucky to receive the gift of her music, which I am predicting will someday be listened to not just in Asia, but all over the world.
I have to say something about myself again, if you will permit me. I am not a celebrity-seeking journalist. I only talk to people who I think are genuinely wonderfully gifted individuals. Believe me when I say that I would not cross to the other side of the street to interview a Brittney Spears or Lindsey Lohan or one of these countless other celebrities who are more famous for the time they spend in court or in drug and alcohol rehab than they are for their performances – no matter how much money I was being paid. But, I flew thousands of miles to spend time with the Princess and I would do it again in a minute – even though I have lost money in the process. I do this because she is the most special person I know and there is nothing I would not do for her.
The famous American writer Mark Twain had a number of sayings of which I am fond. One of them is ”always do the right thing – it will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” The “right thing” at this point in my life is try and do whatever I can to make the rest of the world aware of how wonderful the Princess is and I will not rest until she is a star in some Hollywood film. I continue to write about her in the English-speaking part of our world and work to find opportunities for her to break into the western entertainment market.
Believe me, this effort does continue to astonish my American and European friends. They all wonder why I would spend so much time and so much effort on this Chinese musical artist. “Is it worth it,” they all ask me. Well,yes it is because it is the right thing to do, and until someone else steps forward who is a better writer than me and loves her more than me it seems it is now my responsibility to make sure that her name is known all over the world and not just here in China.
As far as the love story is concerned - it has no end. It is a special kind of love because it asks nothing from her, it expects nothing from her, it only exists to show how the unimaginable power of her music can touch the lives of people that no one could have thought possible. My love for her is living proof of how many lives she has touched and how deeply she has touched them. It will never end, and as long as I am alive she will have the most special place in my heart. In the end, I can only be grateful that her music has found me. I would be a much poorer person if I did not know her.
The placards around the concert hall at the 24 July concert all said “ you are the a gift from God.” She is indeed a gift, but more than just that. In a world that has gone mad. In a world where I see countless numbers of young people going off to war – many of who do not return. In a world where there seems no end to violence, destruction, hatred and prejudice. In a world where people seem to think up more reasons to separate themselves from one another than reasons why they should be together. In this world my Princess is like a beautiful flower blooming in the middle of a desert. In this world she really is a gift from God, and every day I ask for God’s blessing on her and her family.
I thank all of you for taking the time to read this long story. And if you see the Princess please give her my love and say to her for me “wo ai ni.” I hope to see all of you someday at one of her performances, and I ask that you always remember what a special person she is.