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22、算是……情诗吧 ...

  •   Remember that day
      when you leave a sweet gift on my cheek?
      I thought you'd never appear in my life once more
      But you didn't

      Remember that day
      before the beautiful song played?
      I thought you'd leave me behind in the dance floor
      But you didn't

      And remember that day
      after we made the pitch a wonderful backgroud for the ads?
      And after I fell in love with the dancing girl in red
      with the girl who sent me a elegant sketch
      with the girl who admired a pretty dress
      I thought you'd feel disappointed
      because of my limitless postponing a vacation at the seaside
      But you didn't

      I do not believe a withered flower
      so as well the withered love
      Till my return like from another far world
      I still expected you to be here
      But you didn't

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