“Are you in the wrong place, little chinese doll? Sephora's on the next block.(走错地方了吧小瓷娃娃?丝芙兰在下个街区呢。)”壮汉看着比自己矮好几个头的允熙,语气很是瞧不起,充满了浓浓的讽刺。
允熙当然听出他的嘲讽,手插口袋昂起头说道:“I don't see how this is any different from Sephora. Oh, no, there's a difference. At least the Sephora clerks don't look as sissy as you guys.(我没看出来你们这和丝芙兰有什么不同,哦不对,还是有一点区别的,至少丝芙兰的店员看起来不像你们这么娘炮。)”
“You better know what you're talking about, bitch.(你他////妈最好知道你在说什么,贱///人。)”大汉目光凶狠,脸上的几处刀疤让他显得更加可怖。
“Every notice how you come across somebody once in a while that you shouldn't have fucked with?(你有没有注意到,你惹了一个不该惹的人。)”允熙注视着大汉,“That's me.(那个人就是我。)”
“I'm Aurora.(我是欧若拉。)”允熙手插口袋,轻飘飘命令道:“If you know who I am, I advise you to stop trying to attack me. It's just asking for trouble.(如果你知道我是谁的话,我劝你不要再想着攻击我,这完全是自讨苦吃。)”
男人警惕地看着允熙的眼睛,生怕她突然朝自己发起进攻,“What the fuck do you want?(你他///妈想要什么?)”
“Relax. I'm not gonna kill you.(放轻松,我不会杀你。)”允熙泰然自若地走到旁边的水龙头,拧开冲洗了一下手上的血污,然后甩甩手上的水,“I need to see Bugsy.(我要见巴格西。)”
男人刚要张嘴,允熙就摆摆手抢先说道:“I'm not talking to you, I'm informing you, of course, you can refuse, but I'm afraid you can't afford to refuse.(我不是在跟你商量,我是在通知你,当然,你也可以拒绝,但是拒绝的代价我怕你付不起。)”
男人犹豫了一下,说道:“Hey, listen, I'd love to take you to Bugsy, but I'm not qualified to meet him.(嘿,听着,我很想带你去,但我不够资格见巴格西。)”
“That's ok.(没事。)”允熙理了理衣服,“All you have to do is call Bugsy's guys, tell them Aurora wants to see Bugsy, and someone will take me to him.(你只需要打电话通知巴格西的人,告诉他们,欧若拉要见巴格西,然后自然会有人带我去见他。)”
“Are you Aurora? Nice to meet you.(你就是欧若拉吗?幸会。)”巴格西穿着量身定做的西服,表情很是淡定,“What do you want me to do for you?(你想让我为你做些什么?)”
允熙喜欢这种开门见山的说话方式,直接道:“I want you to cover my tracks. It's a simple thing I think you can do.(我想让你保护我的行踪。这种简单的事情,我想你应该能做到。)”
巴格西皱着他那灰白色的眉毛,“You mean, you want me to help you hide in Chicago?(你的意思是,你想让我帮你藏在芝加哥?)”
“Uh huh.(嗯哼。)”
“Why? Why should I help you?(为什么?为什么我要帮你?)”巴格西手搭在椅子上,身子往后一靠,没有丝毫想帮忙的样子,“You made a huge mistake, and the Control is looking for you all over the world. Why would I want to piss off Sheena for you?(你闯了大祸,主控者正在满世界找你,我为什么要为了你得罪希娜?)”
“So you're going to piss me off?(所以你打算得罪我是吗?)”允熙反问,声音让人不寒而栗,“What makes you think I'm a good person? If I can bring a team of men to destroy the Control's headquarters, I can also destroy all your years of success, so try it.(是什么让你觉得我很好惹?我能带着人端了主控者的老巢,自然也能把你这些年的成就毁得一干二净,不信尽管来试试。)”
“I can help you.(我可以帮你。)”巴格西站起身走到了放着酒水的木桌旁边,“But it also means you'll owe me one.(但是这也意味着你会欠我一个人情。)”
允熙早知道没那么容易,便问道:“What do you mean?(你什么意思?)”
“I did you a favor this time, and in the future, if I'm in trouble, you have to do the same for me.(我帮了你这一次,未来如果我遇到了困难,你也得帮我一次。)”巴格西倒了两杯酒,然后将其中一杯递向允熙,“Deal?(成交吗?)”