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4、(four)Dance ...

  •   I walk into the stadium and see Sam is talking to a man beside the table. I walk toward them.

      “Hey Sarah!” Sam turned and waved to me when I have not approached her. I think that’s the privities between us.

      “Sarah, this is Jason. Jason, this is Sarah, my best friend!” Sam introduces the man stand beside her.

      “Hi Sarah, nice to meet you. Sam talks about you a lot.”

      “Oh, Nice to meet you, too. Sam, did you say something nice?” All of us laugh at it.

      “Oh, ladies, I have to go now, the president is coming and I need to prepare the stage for him. Sorry about that.” Jason looked at his watch, said and left.

      “The president? Is that the person you talked about this morning? Sam.” I asked.

      “Oh yes, Jason is the secretary of the student council.”

      “He is the kind of man you like, right?”

      “Hey, Sarah, don’t joke on me!” Then we giggle together.

      “Where have you been?” Sam asked.

      “Mm, I just went outside and got some fresh air.”

      “No, not that simple. What happens?” Sam really comprehends me, even more than myself.

      “Mm, I met a guy and he is…”

      “Is what?”

      “I don’t know how to describe him!”

      “Ok, tell me later. The president is going to have a speech! Let’s go to the front of the stage!” Sam draws me to the front of stage.

      The light of stadium suddenly went dim and a voice said “Let’s welcome our president of student council!” Many girls begin to scream.

      I turn to Sam, and Sam also turns to me, we smile and both recognize that’s Jason’s voice.

      The spotlight illuminates the middle of the stage, and a man comes out. It’s

      “Sam! It’s him!” I called out.

      “What?” She looks confused.

      “The guy I met is him! His name is Kenny.” I explained.

      “You mean, the guy you met out side is the president?” She asked.


      “Oh, I don’t know what to say.”

      “Me either.” I really don’t know what to say about this, no wonder he ask about the prom, because he is the president of the student council. I look Kenny stand there and make his speech. His hair looks dark red under the light and his earring still shining.

      After the speech, students continue dancing and Sam is invited by Jason. I sit in the corner of the stadium and in a daze. Abruptly a hand sticks out with a voice “Could I have the honor to dance with you? Sarah.”

      “Eh?” I look up. It’s Kenny.

      “Could I have the honor to dance with you?” He repeated.

      “I am not good at dancing.” I said.

      Kenny smiled and said, “It’s ok, so, may I dance with you?”

      “Sure.” I put my hand in his hand and then we walk to the dance floor.
      I am too timid to look in his eyes, so I look at the ground all along. I can feel his hand is cool but firm.

      When the song ends, he unclinch my hand and move a step back and said “It’s nice to dance with you. Sarah. You aren’t bad at dancing.”

      “Thank you. Kenny.”
note 作者有话说
第4章 (four)Dance

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