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2、(two)Friendship ...

  •   The prom is at tonight, and Sam begins to make up herself from 4 o’clock.

      “Sarah, come and prepare yourself for tonight’s prom!”

      “Er, Sam it’s only 4 o’clock now. Give me one more hour; let me finish the book first! ”

      After ten minuets, “Sarah, is this dress good? Or the purple one is better? Or the black one?” Sam seems tense.

      “Calm down, Sam. You make me feel nervous. I think the purple one is better. No matter you wear what, you look beautiful!”

      “Oh, thanks, Sarah.”

      That’s true. Sam is beautiful, brave and good at getting along with others. There were many boys like her from high school. However, I am quiet. I still remember, when we were in the elementary school, some big boys was picking on me because I have no parents, my parent died in a car crash long time ago, and Sam was really brave to refute them and told me that she would protect me. Sometimes, Sam is just like my protector.

      “Sarah, it’s five now, come and prepare! And do you know? The president of student council may come to the prom tonight! And I heard that his is extremely handsome!”

      “Oh, Sam, can you please stop saying that? I have known you are excited since this morning.”
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第2章 (two)Friendship

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