话说李白来到现代,站在车来车往的水泥路上,心中一阵抽痛,难道自己在人间不得遇伯乐,死了还要下地狱!沿路的灯照的他脸上一阵惨白,(现在是晚上),“恨天无眼欺我太甚,”,突然,他看到一群花枝招展的女子走过,这些个女子长的比杨贵妃还美上几分!莫非和我一样受冤而来?? 这个时候,尚小凭空而出,踩着自行车,踏着路灯光而来…… 李白:这…… 尚小:这是自行车 李白:姑娘,这…… 尚小:我没钱,打劫也没用。 李白:您误会了,我是想问你在干什么? 尚小:我踏着月色而来,在茫茫人海中就这样与你相遇,如果可以用我的生命的十年,换现在的一刻,我愿意少活二十年。可是,可以吗?不行,所以我们只能告别……………… (尚小猛踩脚踏车,绝尘而去,除了记忆什么也没留下~~) 李白:莫非是仙女?? 尚小:You are right,absolutely,long long ago I was a gold.
God:i can help you realize three dreams ,girl,just tell me shang:well,i would like to change the world just like the film"the death note" did God:My god! it is too challenge even for me to do so .Take another,anycase,i think i can have it came true shang:All ruight, you looks XXX.so let me take you place !I will be the god and have a entirely new world!!you ,out!