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2、读一篇英语演讲稿 ...

  •   I don’t konw when people started judging things by gender.

      Theysay, you cry like a girl; They said, you are as naughty as a boy; They say, how can you love beauty like a girl, how can you be sloppy like a boy; They say that girls are better at liberal arts, while boys have an advantage in science. They said, how can a boy be a nurse.

      Why girls should like pinkand why boys should like blue.Why are good-looking boys called creamy boy and handsome girls called tomboys.Why is there a difference between treating men and women.

      In the workplace, people often ask women, family and career which side would you choose But they don't ask men like that. People will call powerful women independent women, but they will not call men like that.

      I think this is gender bias.

      There is a saying that I like very much: "Girls can cut short hair, shave their heads, watch football games, play racing cars and wear men's clothes;Boys can grow long hair, wear earrings, make up, wear skirts, like pink and play Barbie dolls.Girls can read whenever they want, and boys can cry whenever they want.The world is like a big material bank, from which we can choose anything we like. Gender is never the boundary line, but gender prejudice is."

      Women should be gentle No, people should be gentle; Men need to be strong No, people should be strong; How do women balance family and career No, it is how people balance family and career; Men can't cry Can't people cry

      Gender differences are born, but gender bias is not.

      I gender bias begins with us,it can end with us.

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