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72、袭击2 ...
3月30日 1:15AM 新广场区同德路
‘I asked my girlfriend if she’d seen you round before
She mumbled something
while we got down on the floor baby
We might’ve fucked not really sure, don’t quite recall
But something tells me that I’ve seen him,yeah
That boy is a monster
That boy is a monster
That boy is a monster ’
MP3上播放着Lady GaGa的歌,女子一边走着一边随着音乐摆动着腰肢。虽然只是凌晨1点左右,但是这一点属于郊区,路上已经没多少人,女子并不害怕,因为这个国家的治安一向很好,再说,家就在前头。
“He ate my heart ,He ate my heart ,He ate my heart He ate my heart ”
女子继续着自己的Lady GaGa并往回家的路前行。