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3、序章[Prototype 01]:终与始[Final zero Start] ...

  •   微微年迈之声随风雨荡入耳中,“My king,are you decide and ready to give upWill it be the same like old-time again(王,你打算放弃了吗又要和那时一样吗)”似乎只是雨声引起的错觉.
      “Perhaps I should give thanks to the link of destiny……(或许我宜该向命运之链接给予赞赏……)”他抬头后仰视漆黑灰蒙天空,雷雨依旧风云四处,雨水随着男生脸庞不断滴落,他拂手撑着额头以掩盖表情,终究分不清到底是泪水亦或雨水.“Maybe all this is just a childish fantasy in my mind,anyway... the word-fate,all the people are unable to escape,even when I became the king,after all also I was torn and mockery by fate.(也许这一切仅为我脑海幼稚孩童幻想,无论如何……命运一词,所有世人皆是无法逃脱,即使我身处为王,终究也被命运所撕扯嘲弄)”他只是坐在那自嘲自讽,佩剑被他置于雨水与烂泥混合的地面再也无法拿起.
      但是那道声音依旧逐渐响亮,“We haven't seen a long time,my king~I didn't think we would meet in this way~even though you have forgotten my identity、my duty and everything,but we still remember the king's order,because this is our choice.Perhaps I shall no more call you the king,but the world is no-yet saved,King.You must travel on until the final and end,arrive time to reach the reality of your dreams(许久未见,王~未曾想到我们会以这种方式相见呢~即便王你已然忘却我的身份、职责乃至一切,但我们一直谨记于王命,毕竟此为我等选择.或许——我不该再称呼你为王,但是世界尚未得到救赎,王你必须一直旅途行走下去……直至尽头与终点,方才至时抵达梦想的真实)”
      画面突兀一黑,黄金草原再现,男生缓慢步行于内——“Please wait!(等等!)”他被呼喊声吸引注意.为什么叫住他站立犹如地面海洋再现的黄金草原中央,他回过身——他本该长埋此处深处地下化为尘土,因为一切对他来说已是往事云烟.为故国征战的历史岁月……与骑士团诸位一同驰骋诸多战场,闪耀勇气和荣誉数十年,亦为王之身份存在的日子.
      然而事实却并非如此,他在每一世每一生每一年每一日接连不断战斗中得到答案,结束所有抛弃一切紧接跨过界限前行至下代人生,“I just is eager for a rest in peace(我仅仅渴求无恙的安息罢了)”
      “Obviously a young man clearly,but always talk about the words like a old-man's reason(明明一副年轻人模样,却接连口言老人般理)”老者似乎带有调侃语气夸赞男生,不~怎么说呢应该是认同支持男生的老成熟识.“My king,a eternal sword-bearer.You have a few unfinished business,and does mean the fact yourself know it,too(王,永恒存在的圣剑持有者.你尚有几件未完之事,事实说明你自己亦同知道吧)”
      男生沉默不言,但是老者继续补充,似乎是想鞭挞提醒男生的使命始终没有得到归处:“The beast you were supposed to knock down,but in fact you——or your noumenon does not destroy even exterminate it completely(本该由你打倒之兽,实际你——你的本体并未将其完全消灭乃至全部击溃)”老者依靠手边类似法杖的长棍,一道蓝光从中显露展示一道道回忆般的幕录,“Eternal King,Red Dragon!Such is the incredible state of affairs that you have arrived in Arcadia——as a collective all souls and reincarnated,perhaps said that as a time-space traveler is more accurate(永恒之王,赤红之龙!如此令人难以置信的异常事态,不得不让已抵达桃源的你——集合体,再度转生,或许言明穿越更为准确)”
      男生一惊,“Is that!(此言——)”
      “The second time was really over,but for some reason I didn't know,the principle should not have which the third time was still to happen(本来第二次之时可谓真正结束,但是不知为何,原理应不该的第三次事件依旧行将发生)”
      “Was it possible that the awakening of the original species that brought it back from the dead(莫非是何处原种觉醒将其强制傀儡化复活)”
      对于男生推断,老者也未默不作声,只是继续补充:“It must be said that the destiny of the king is full of troubles,you can no longer stay here.It is not yet time to visit the end of the dream(不得不说王之命运多程坎坷,你已不能再此处停留.拜访梦境终点时候尚且未到)”
      男生不太明白“梦境终点”一词含义,“Wait**,What are you talking about……(等等**,你到底在说什么啊……)”
      “The journey is not over,you must start again.Whether our world or strange world.Perhaps there will be cross-dimensional enemy appear,encounter beyond the common sense of things may also,but please you try to keep the indomitable maintain and reality heart of justice(旅途尚未结束,你必须重新出发.无论我等世界亦或异样世界.或许又将有穿越次元的敌人出现,遇到超越常理的事物亦说不定,但求王尽量保持不屈不挠现实正义之心)”老者未等男生吐露任何一词便反问回去,“I understand you want to ask why this is the caseIndeed……whyI can't say for sure(王,我知道你想询问为何会如此情况的确……究竟为何恕我不能断言)”男生与老者一同沉默不言,但也只是片刻话题再接,“This is perhaps only as the holy sword bearer so that you are destined to have a chronic diseaseHard time and life is not easy to finally usher in the eternal,but before this was suddenly given……Great mission!(此或许仅作为圣剑使的你才注定拥有的宿疾吧辛苦多番岁月和人生不易方才最终迎来永恒,却于此之前突然被赋予……伟大之使命!)”
      男生不禁重述老者的话语“Grand Order……”
      “In any case you must leave here at once and merge with yourself all souls,and that is why I call you.King,I repeat:the King's journey is not over,the facts also not end here.For your significant and important "she"——how do you feel about “she”Light、shine、love、cherish or declare allPerhaps everything will be sucked into the whirlpool of gluttony.If you do not take the step of boundaries again on the journey——everything will be like a king for eternity……(无论如何你必须速从此处出发与本体合并一处,正因如此我才叫住你.王,我重述一遍:王之旅途尚未完结.事实亦不能在此结束.为了你重要的“她”——你对“她”处于何种感受光明、闪耀、怜爱、珍惜亦或言明全部具备或许一切都将被卷入暴食的漩涡中.倘若你不再度迈出界限的步伐踏上旅途——一切都将如同王一般迎来永恒……)”
      男生静听老者的道理,面对最后一句男生不禁产生不详预感,“Wait,**!Please clear words(**等等!将话说明)”
      “No time to spare,no time to talk,please hurry set off!My King,the last great and eternal King!I offer my best wishes for your new journey.Finally we'll see again one day(时间无暇,没有空谈之余,请王速速启程!吾王,伟大最后一名永恒之王!我为你新的征途献上祝福,日后机会再见)”老者尚未遗留一丝一毫男生的时间空闲,便运用法杖将其传送至别地——准确而言男生亦或王现在处于世界时空界限边缘,他即将踏上新旅程……
      森林边际,“Until now,I haven't had any chance to see you again, but I remember that(直到现在,都没有任何机会与你再度相会,不过我可有记着此事)”男生——青年透过时空预测最大极限所视风景自言自语“And the result is another world that will be destroyed or rebornThe desolation of civilization、the death of mankind、the destruction of cities.No matter how many times I have been in a different frame of mind,I have never been able to adapt to such a situation(结果又是一个将走向毁灭或重生的世界吗文明的荒废、人类的死亡、都市的毁灭.无论几次不同心态,面对如此场景都无法使我适应)”
      他握紧拳头不会儿便同紧闭的双眼一齐松开,“But still,I couldn't stop the step of walk forward(虽说如此,我终究不能停下前行的脚步)”不知不觉渐入深夜草原,男生依旧行走.“This was supposed to be a bad omen……but the resulting miasma or aftertaste,whatever it was not perceived(本以为此次应是不详征兆……结果瘴气或余香,无论哪一种类型尚且都没有感知)”男生手持圣剑不断抚摸着身旁广大的金色草丛,“It doesn't look like easy.There's no other way but to find it slowly(看来并非轻易顺利.别无他法,只能慢慢寻找吧~)”
      “It's okay,**.One day I will have achieved the purpose of this trip and return to the place where I was supposed to sleep(无事,**.终究某天我将达成此行目的,回归我应沉眠之地)”金发碧眼苍银铠甲蓝色披风的青年抚摸草丛宛如对待世间一切生灵,他低头似乎母亲般温柔俯视手心中的萤火虫,“Finally one day,I will arrive(总有一天,定会到达)”,跨进面前的界限之门.

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