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2、Nasty Naughty Boy(2) ...

  •   “Hmm It was really serious last year.” Ceci picks up the glass. ” I have heard that the government is planing an orderly evacuation(撤离).So your brother refuses to be assigned(分配) to other places ”

      “Not exactly. ”Kula puts down the glass on the tea table made in mahogany(红木), sighing again. ”Our city is competing for(和...争抢) these engineers with ohter big southern ones. In this case, my brother has received invitations(邀请函) from five cities! ”

      Kula buries her face in her hands(用手捂脸), cried(喊)“But I haven’t been promoted(升职) in 2 years! Uhhhh he is going to laugh at me. ”

      “You’ve been working hard, deserve(理该) promotion(升职).What you need is time~ ” Ceci puts her hand on Kula’s back, s/miling.

      “Really”She raises her head from her hands,looking at Ceci.

      “Sure. Give yourself a little confidence! You just need some time for Mr. Mitt to calm down(冷静). You know .Last week you broke his ....... ”

      “I knew it (我就知道)!I knew it! You nasty naughty boy(小坏蛋) !” Kula jumps up, tries to tickle(挠痒痒) Ceci. Ceci doesn’t dodge(躲开) , laughing ”Stop !Stop. It ‘s time for work. ”

      “You won’t be so lucky next time!” Kula shows her teeth(龇牙) and wrinkles her nose(皱鼻) ,saying fiercely(恶狠狠地) .And then she stands up, quickly drinks up(喝完) the water .

      “Farewell! (再见)My dear Kula! ”Ceci waves and throws her a kiss(飞吻).
      Kula strides(迈大步) out of the room with a sick look(不好的表情).

      A three week passed quickly.

      The wind is cooler and the sky seems higher.

      The dim(微弱的) morning light seems like melting into(化成) the faint aroma (淡淡的香味)of bamboo and camphorwood(樟木).

      Ceci is eating a piece of pea flour cake(豌豆黄)which in her right hand with relish(津津有味).Kinda(有点) bitter strong tea(浓茶) in her left hand just perfectly balances the sweetness of the pea flour cake.She squints(眯眼) happily.

      “Bi~du~du~””There is a customer in 10 meters away now. ”Says Bombo slightly stiff. ”Woo.” She finishes the last bite and puts down the ceramic cup(陶瓷茶杯), walking towards the door.
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第2章 Nasty Naughty Boy(2)

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