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Unique features of e-commerce technology and their potential ethical, social and/or political implications電子商務技術和他們潛在的道德,社會並且/或者政治涵義獨特的特點
- Ubiquity – work and shopping can invade family life, shopping can distract workers at their jobs, lower productivity, the use of mobile devices can lead to automobile and industrial accidents無所不在-工作和購物可能侵略家庭生活,購物可能分散工作者在他們的工作,更低的生產力,對移動設備的用途可能導致汽車和工業事故
- Global reach – may reduce culture diversity in products and weaken local, small firms while strengthening large global firms, manufacturing production may be moved to low wage areas of the world, also weakens the ability of all nations – large and small – to control their information destiny全球性伸手可及的距離-在產品可以減少文化變化,并且減弱地方,小公司,當加強大全球性企業,製造生產時也許被移動向世界的低薪水區域,也減弱所有國家的能力-大和小-控制他們的信息命運
- Universal standards – increase vulnerability to viruses and hacking attack worldwide, affecting millions of people at once, also increase the likelihood of “information” crime, crimes against systems and deception普遍標準-增加弱點對病毒,并且亂砍攻擊全世界,立即影響成千上萬人,也增加「信息」罪行可能,罪行反對系統和欺騙
- Richness – makes very persuasive messages that may reduce reliance on multiple independent sources of information possible豐厚-也許減少對多獨立信息源的信賴可能的牌子非常令人信服的消息
- Interactivity – customers emails are frequently not read by human beings, the amount of customization of products that occurs us minimal, occurring within predefined platforms and plug-in options互動-顧客電子郵件沒有由人,發生我們最小的相當數量產品定製頻繁地讀,發生在被預定義的平臺和插入式選擇之內
- Information density – while the total amount of information available to all parties increases, so does the possibility of false and misleading information, unwanted information, and invasion of solitude, rust, authenticity, accuracy, completeness, and other quality features of information can be make sense of out of this plethora of information is limited信息密度-當總額有用的資料對所有黨增加時,因此做可能性的錯誤,并且引入歧途的信息、不需要的孑然、鐵鏽、真實性、準確性、完整性和信息其他質量特點信息和入侵可以是有道理在這多血症信息外面是有限的
- Personalization / customization – opens up an unprecedented possibility of intensive invasion of privacy for commercial and governmental purpose個人化/定製-開放密集的秘密侵入的一種史無前例的可能性為商業和政府目的
Ethical, social and political issues
(a) Information rights信息權利
- What rights to their own personal information do individuals have in a public marketplace, or in their private homes, when internet technology makes information collection so pervasive and efficient?個體有他們自己的個人信息的什麼權利在一個公開市場,或者在他們的私人住宅,當互聯網技術使信息收藏很瀰漫和高效率時?
(b) Property rights財產權
- How can traditional intellectual property rights be enforced in the internet world where perfect copies of protected works can be made and easily distributed worldwide in seconds?傳統知識產權怎麼被強制執行在互聯網世界,被保護的工作的平裝版可以做和在幾秒鐘內容易地分佈了全世界?
(c) Governance統治
- Should the internet and e-commerce be subject to public laws?互聯網和電子商務應該是受公法支配?
(d) Public safety and welfare公共安全和福利
- What efforts should be undertaken to ensure equitable access to internet and e-commerce channels?應該承擔什麼努力保證對互聯網和電子商務渠道的公平的通入?
- Should governments be responsible for ensuring that schools and colleges have access to the internet?政府應該負責對保證學校和學院得以進入對互聯網的?
- Is certain online content and activities – such as pornography and gambling – threat to public safety and welfare是某些網上內容和活動-例如色情和賭博-威脅到公共安全和福利
- Should mobile commerce be allowed from moving vehicles?應該從運動的車允許流動商務?
- Privacy is the moral right of individuals to be left alone, free from surveillance or interference from other individuals or organizations, including the state保密性是道德權利個體將留給單獨,從監視或干涉解脫從其他個體或組織,包括狀態
- Information privacy includes both the claim that certain information should not be collected at all by governments or business firms, and the claim of individuals to control the use of whatever information that is collected about them信息保密性包括要求不應該根本由政府或商號收集某一信息和個體要求控制用途收集關於他們的任何信息
- Informed consent is consent given with knowledge of all material facts needs to make a rational decision知會同意是同意給以所有物質事實需要知識做出一個合理的決定
- Opt-in requires an affirmative action by the consumer to allow collection and use of consumer information Opt在由消費者要求一次支持行動允許對消費者信息的彙集和用途
- Opt-out – the default is to allow collection of information unless the consumer takes an affirmative action to prevent the collection of data Opt -缺省是允許信息收集,除非消費者採取一次支持行動防止搜集數據
Information collected at e-commerce sites
- Personally identifiable information (PII) is any data that can be used to identify, locate, or contact an individual – name, ID number, address, phone, email address個人可識別的信息(PII)是可以用於辨認的所有數據,找出或者與個體-名字, ID數字,地址,電話,電子郵件聯繫
- Anonymous information is demographic and behavioral information that does not include any personal identifiers匿名信息是不包括任何個人標識符的人口統計和關於行為的信息
- Profiling is the creation of digital images that characterize online individual and group behavior描出是描繪網上個體并且編組行為數字圖像的創作
- Anonymous profiles identify people as belonging to highly specific and targeted groups匿名外形辨認人如屬於高度具體和目標群
- Personal profiles add a personal e-mail address, postal address, and/or number to behavioral data個人配置文件增加一個個人電子郵件、郵遞地址,並且/或者數字到關於行為的數據
The internet’s major personally identifiable information gathering tools會集工具的個人互聯網的少校可識別的信息
- Search engine – to trace user statement and view on newsgroups, chat groups and other public forums on the web and profile users’ social and political views搜索引擎-追蹤用戶聲明和景色在新聞組、閒談小組和關於網和外形用戶』社會和政見的其他公開論壇
- Site transaction log – to collect and analyze detailed information on page content viewed by users站點事務處理日誌-收集和分析詳細信息關於用戶觀看的頁內容
- Cookie – to track individuals at a single site or across thousands of sites that belong to a advertising network跟蹤個體在一個唯一站點或橫跨屬於一個廣告的網絡
- Shopping cart – to collect detailed payment and purchase information購物車-收集詳細的付款和購買信息
- Form – personal identifiable information that users voluntarily fill out形式-用戶自願填好的個人可識別的信息
Recommendations regarding online profiling推薦關於在網上描出
Notice – complete transparency to user by providing disclosure and choice option on the host web site通知-完全透明度對用戶通過提供透露和選擇選擇在主人網站
Choice – Opt-in for PII, opt-out for non-PII
Access – reasonable provisions to allow inspection and correction通入-合理的供應允許檢查和更正
Security – reasonable efforts to secure information from loss, misuse, or improper access安全-合理的努力獲取信息從損失、誤用或者不正當的通入
Enforcement – done by independent third parties獨立第三方-完成的執行
Restricted collection – not to collect information about sensitive financial or medical topics, etc有限的收藏-不收集關於敏感財政或醫療題目等等的信息
Copyright, patent and trademark
- Copyright law protects original forms of expression such as writings, art, drawings, photographs, music, motion pictures, performances, and computer programs from being copied by others for a minimum of 50 years版權法保護表示的原始的形式例如文字、藝術、圖畫、相片、音樂、電影、表現和計算機程序免受由其他被複製最小限度於50年
- Patent grants the owner an exclusive monopoly to the ideas behinds an invention for 20 years – “Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefore, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title” 專利授予所有者專屬獨佔想法behinds一個發明20年- 「誰發明或發現所有新和有用的過程,機器,製造,因此或者因此問題或任何新和有用的改善的構成,也許得到專利,以這個標題的條件和要求依據」
- Trademark – a mark used to identify and distinguish goods and indicate their source – trademark is “any work, name, symbol, or device, or any combination there of … used in commerce … to identify and distinguish … goods … from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods” 商標-標記曾經辨認和區別物品和表明他們的來源-商標是「所有工作、名字、標誌或者設備,或者任何組合那裡的…過去常常在商務…與那些辨認和區別…物品…製造或賣由其他和表明物品的來源」
Public safety and welfare
- Electronic media of all kinds have historically been regulated by governments所有種類電子媒介是歷史上由政府調控了的
- Critical issues in e-commerce center around the protection of children, strong sentiments against pornography in public media, efforts to control gambling, and the protection of public health through restricting sales of drugs and cigarettes重要問題在電子商務中心在孩子的保護附近,強的情緒反對色情在公開媒介,努力通過藥物和香煙制約的銷售控制賭博和公共衛生的保護
Equity and the digital divide產權和數字式劃分
- Digital divide refers to the large differences in internet access and e-commerce access among income, ethic, and age groups數字式劃分提到在網絡進入和電子商務通入上的大區別在收入、概念和年齡組之中
- Lack of such access affects the ability of children to improve their learning with educational software, of adults to acquire valuable technology skills, and of families to benefits from online connections to important health and civic information缺乏這樣通入影響孩子的能力改進他們學會與教育軟件,成人獲取可貴的技術技能和家庭對從網上連接的好處與重要健康和民事信息