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Not all gays care to be married
Sullivan and his partner, Ed Barton, have been together since 1981, they wear rings to symbolize their commitment to each other, and they jointly owm a home in Somervile, just north of Borston.
But if the state does begin issuing marriage licenses to gtay and lesbian couples, Sullivan aand Barton\'s family would disapprove, and they say that marriage would complicante their finances.
\"It\'s great that some people might be able to marry,\"Sullivan said. \"But it\'s not the right thing for us.\"
In the wake of the court\'s ruling, which could mean that same sex marriages could take place as early as May, gay and lesbian couples in Massachusetts and elsewhere are considering whether to wed.
The response is hardly monolithic. In interviews with about 20 couples and people who study gay culture, those most interested in marriage were couples with childeren, and those with pressing concerns about health or mortality. Younger couples from an era when gays were less closeted,were inclined to consider marriage an entitlement that would erase their perceived second class status.
Couples who came of age in the 1960s and 1970s were more likely to see marriage as a heterosexual institution, symbolizing a system that they would not want to be part of.
\"I don\'t think you\'re going to see gay people doing what nongays do: meet, have a wild weekend together and run off to Vegas to get married,\" said Steve Smith, a political consultant and gay activist in Los Angeles.\" For those who do get married it will mean a whole lot.\"
In Canada,where gay marriage became legal in June, 1,547 same sex couples received marriage licenses as of Oct.31, including 638 from the United States. Many gay Canadina couples have shied away from marriage, preferring to remain part of the counterculture.
Couples who would get married often cited multiple reasons. \"A lot of it is our fiscal responsibilities,\" asid Jennifer Hess, who with her partner of 18 years, Jennifer Bragdon, is raising two children, a 19-year-old woman from Bragdon\'s long-ago marriage, and a 10 years old boy. Hess noted that the couple, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, are ineliibe for the income and inheritance tax benefits of married couples.
She said she believed that marriage would be easier for their son, Emmett, whose fear of being teased or beaten up made him reluctant to talk to other children about his lesbian parents.
\"It\'s also just he clarity of our relationship,\" said Hess, who works at a computer software company. \"It\'s so unclear when you say your partner, your lover, your roommate, your friend. When you say marriage, everyone knows what it means. It\'s what they\'ve got and I don\'t have.\"
Sullivan先生和他的男朋友Ed Barton,自1981年起,就一直在一起.他们双方都戴着象征永恒不变的戒指,在波士墩北面的某条街上有他们的家.
但是在麻塞诸塞洲的法律许可他们结婚前,他们是无法结婚的.而且他们的恋情, Ed Barton的家人也是持着反对态度的.另外,两人结婚的话,财政方面也是有麻烦问题的.
\"能够结婚的话对很多人来说是件可喜可贺的事情.\" Sullivan先生这么说,但是, \"我们的结婚不太顺利.\"
\"从现在起,同性恋们和不是同性恋们做的事,行为都是一样,都可以被普通看待等想法其实是错误的.相知,吵架,然后一起渡周末,接着去拉斯维加斯结婚\"洛山基的行政长官,同时也是同性恋的研究家, Steve Smith这么说道,\"实际上,对于结婚的人来说,那是十分麻烦的事。\"
有结婚打算的人们,举了很多理由。\"大部分是经济问题。\" Jennifer Hess这么说。她和她的爱人Jennifer Bragdon,和爱人的两个孩子在一起生活了18年了。