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1、Pre-Shadowing ...

  •   There was a little town in the north part of Ireland, called Belly. It was a really small town, everyone knew others name in this town. Every day was quiet peaceful in the town, even too peaceful, Isaac thought when he rode his new bike all the way down from the hill which he can reach to highest place in this town. So he were looking for fun , he screamed loudly imagined that he’s riding a roller coster—— This shit small town even didn’t have a fun fair. Ages like Isaac wouldn’t agree to live like his grandpa, he wouldn’t.


      “Isaac, you are doing it again! I’m going to tell you grandfather. You remember he told you how he fell over from the bicycle when he was young, right”A woman’s a voice just suddenly popped up, “Get off the bike, now, I’m telling you!” She was angry.


      “Come on, mum, it’s fun. I mean, I can handle this, really, and please don’t tell grandpa, I don’t want to listen his childhood story for one hour again!”


      “Did you get your work down then You naughty broke Mrs. Hudson’s glass again! That was a crystal! You shouldn’t expect me to pay.”


      “Well, I’m moving!” Isaac ran away.


      When Mrs Adams found out, Isaac was already miles away, she signed, “When can he become a gentleman”


      Isaac walked along in the street until he saw Sean’s house, he shouted out Sean’s name until he opened the window of balcony. A young boy came out, the one with blonde and blue eyes, “What’s up, man”


      “Are you going out tonight”Isaac asked.

      “Newly. What, are you going or not”

      “Meet you at the bell, about nine.”

      The sun finally sank into the west, but it was not totally in dark yet. The people who were hiding because of the heat all got out, to breath a fresh air after long day working, the streets had full of lives again. Most of people said hi and invite him to have a cup of tea when they passed through Isaac. Then he saw the girl, her name is Kelly, she and Isaac were in the same grade but he only had seen her several times. When the first time he saw her, he felt like his heart stopped working. He became so nerves when she walked to this way. She was so pretty, he bet to say she was the most pretty girl in his school.


      “Hey, Isaac, what are you doing there” The girl saw him, so she asked.

      “I’m fine.”It couldn’t be greater when I saw you, he thought, “I’m just on my way to home.”

      “Do you want to see the roses”Kelly blanked her eyes, there were stars in them.

      “What, what roses”

      “Let me take you there, follow me.”

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