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4、Chapter 4 ...

  •   Which could let the king become so nerves is the Mausolus’s army is close ant hand, but he cannot do anything to help, most of his army has already been sent to the north to explore the land, they can’t back in a short time, but the enemy will arrive in tomorrow morning!

      Morning, in Atlantis’s palace, all the things is surrounded by soldiers of Mausolus. There are shouting, “Let the queen come out!”

      The crowd screaming, running, to wake the queen up, but it seems like she already knew what is going to happen, “ Why does the king need”

      “You, your Majesty.” They said, “If you like pease.”

      “As you wish, but before that, I need a moment for private conversation.”

      “Go ahead, don’t be too long.”

      All the people gets out of the lobby, and closes the gate. After Jasperia makes sure that no one is listening, she looks at Rosbin, “I will be safe.”

      “How can you know that”

      “Because I’m not scared. I have my way, and it’s time to invite someone else to enter the game.” She leaves.

      Beyond her expectations, there is no maltreat, no impression even no reception. When she arrives, Mausolus even asks does she believe Jehovah.

      “Yes, but why Why don’t you…”

      “Actually I would like to have a good relationship with your country, so when I was deciding the list of people to go there, the queen said that you are her sister so I thought maybe you will like her, I don’t know the situation of you is that bad. Of course I don’t recommend wars. When I knew she has already been banished, I was totally shocked, anyway, she deserves that.”

      “Okay, I see, so that was not your order. And why ask me about Jehovah”

      “Ah, maybe you don’t remember, but I was a priest. By the way, I’m going to Saint Marian’s Basilica this nightmare you coming Maybe you will meet some old friend…”

      “Why not”

      She changed into a whit dress to show her loyalty to Jehovah. They are going to Klean’s biggest temple, will she meet him

      They set down on the bench of the temple, Jasperia’s faces to the chancel, white infula, blue eyes, that figure was what she daydreaming to see, tears stained her clothes, her eyes are dim with tears. Simon runs down his eyes at all the people, however he doesn’t look at Jasperia, he is completely indifferent, how, how could he

      When the Misa ends, priest Moran walks to them, “My dear friend, I thought I will never see you again, how are you And who is this young lady Your new lover”

      “Oh for god sake, of course not, her name is Jasperia, she is the resident of Atlantis, because she deeply believes Jehovah, so she’s wondering is there a possibility to stay at your temple.”

      “We won’t except someone who ears idly without works.”

      “I can do works, anything , wishing dishes, do cleaning…Everything!” Jasperia knows that’s her only chance.

      “Unfortunately, sisters can do that too.”

      “How about tolling”

      “No, we don’t need it.”

      “Please let me stay, I’m begging you.”

      “Okay, you can be my secretary.”

      “Oh, thank you! Thank you priest Moran!”

      “Don’t be exicting, nothing can be expected.”

      Jasperia stays at the temple, she sonly find that Simon doesn’t remember anything about her. Maybe it’s not a bad thing, so she can back to the past, no power struggle, no more missing and sadness, he is right here, although he forgets who she is, she can be his companion, which it’s better than ever.

      However Moran feels confused, why this girl knows everything about him, she knows everything which let him feels confused.

      “Why you know everything about me” He asks her.

      “That’s a secret.”She smiles.

      If, if one day, you recall all the things between us, then it’s the time that I should leave you, I won’t doubt you will hate me, I deserve that. She thinks.

      “If you have a crush on someone, don’t let that person know.” That was what Moran said before. She can do it for the first time.

      While, she doesn’t know since when, the rumor is everywhere, the residents of Klean said that priest Moran has a crush on Molly, the daughter of a ranchman, they said how they matched and all of them feel pity that they can’t be together.

      One night, she is making fire in the study, she sees Moran and Molly are over there, next to a desk, beside window, they are reading Bible, just like what Jasperia and Moran usually did. She staring at them for a long time, and forgets how to breath, all the logs she carries on hands suddenly roll all over the ground, and make a very loud voice.

      “Sorry, I… messed it up, I will clean it.” She almost gonna cry, she try to bow her head hastily, don’t let her tears come out, she wipes her face which makes her face dirty, breathes without stop.

      “May I help you” A sweet voice from Molly.

      “No, no, no, you back to Simon’s side.” She cleaned the things she mess up, and back to her room, she even didn’t have her dinner.

      “Jas..periaAre you okay You have to eat something, can you let me in” It’s Moran.

      The door opens, Jasperia’s eyes are red, she finds Moran brings food in.

      “Don’t you remember Today it’s your birthday.”
      “How, how do you know”“Molly tells me.”

      There is a loud crash of thunder, Jasperia stops here ears, huddles in bed, her body is totally covered by quilt. It is a nightmare for her even now, midsummer in fifteen, in that night, the thunder was rumbling, the rain was pelting down, and her heart was broken. Since that time the thunder makes she feel she back to that night again, but how she hates that night, how she doesn’t want to remember. She is immersed in despair and fearness, yet feeling someone is holding her in arms, it’s Moran.

      “I thought you are strong.”

      “As you see, I’m not.” She takes her quilt off, turns around to hold him with both arms, uses her head to prop on his breast, she hears his heart beats violently, suddenly she feel released.

      “We should not be like this.”

      “Will you mind”

      “No, I won’t.”
      “Then I don’t care what will other say.”

      It seems that there is something blooming in the air, Moran holds Jasperia more tightly. They finally fells in sleep, neither of them get a nightmare tonight.

      Next morning, when Jasperia wakes up, Moran has already gone, as she thought, she goes down the stairs, sees Moran is having breakfast with Molly.

      Let them go, it doesn’t matter any longer because she understands that the thing cannot to be exposed to the sunlight, should be hide in the darkness forever, like, herself.

      But, Molly, she is the shining with a subdued pinkish hue, she is the light morning clouds.

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