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2、Chapter 2 ...

  •   Moran is walking along the lobby, a dim light makes him feel everything around him is so unreal, he sees some body is standing at the end of the lobby, he try to close to that person, finally sees a girl with a violet head of hair and white dress, she turns around vastly with a smiling face.

      Who is she Where does that kind of strange feeling come outMoran try to recall, but there is totally blank in his mind, he begins to speak, but the questions he truly woulds like to ask doesn’t come out from his mouth, “Why are you leaving Why”

      She doesn’t say anything, but keep smiling, then she disappears, he sees a bunch of bubbles on the walls, each bubble has a memory in there: He was officiating at a mass, she was just sitting on the chair and looking at him; They were reading Bible together; He was cooking for her birthday… Those memories look so wonderful, and they make Moran wants to cry, when he touches those bubbles, everything he touches shortly dies, then he feels pain when they disappear. The most shock thing is when he finds as soon as they are borking, he can’t remember anything about her again. They are dying in seconds and out-of-control, this is the first time he doesn’t know what to do, he forget who she is, however he try to recall and keep her in his mind, there’s no way to do anything.

      Hell no! He loose all he memories of her and wakes up from the nightmare. He gets off the bed and sees a picture of the king and queen, he kneels down starting to pray for them also wishing Atlantis’s peace as usual, at least he thinks it’s usual for himself to do that.

      “Your Majesty, we come in peace.” Margaretha smiles in charming, she successfully draws everyone’s attention in the lobby because she’s wearing a Persian style red dress, veil covers her face, but her green eyes are just like gemstones, and deep to be fathomable, black, long curls hang down to her chest. When she entered this hall, all the things in dark seemed like be lightened, she is so pretty, she just like fire.

      “Why do you need” Jasperia looks at her on the alert.

      “Relax, your Majesty. We are the messengers from an old kingdom, suffer from wars and natural disasters, our king has no way to defense but to sent us to other countries to looking for help, thus we passed through the whole desert , and feel terribly fatigued, we implore you to take us in and save our kingdom from the abyss of misery.” She hangs her head, keeps kneeling down.

      “Why, should we help you”“If you can help us to fight and rehabilitate, when we developed along the right lines, we can establish friendly ally, even commercial intercourse. I believe it will be good for both of us.”

      “What will I need from your kingdom”

      “Silverwares, pieces, tea leaves…I believe there will be a lot and your Majesty you will like it. Am I wrong”

      Jasperia loughs, sonorous and strange, “ Josiah, arrange some comfortable rooms for them, they must be tired after a long trip, we can discuss about the war latter.”

      “Thanks for your kindness, your Majesty.”

      “Anything else”

      “No, your Majesty.”

      “Then back off.”

      Margaretha turns around slowly, takes steps in small, when she passes through Jasperia, she smiles again.

      She backs to her room and does her washings, when she finishes, she hears someone is knocking the door, “The queen wants to see you, Miss Moriarty.”

      “I will be coming in seconds.” She puts on her coat and gets out.

      “Oh, my dear sister, what are you doing here Why you look so unpleased Is that because I didn’t say ‘hello’ to you”

      “I am warning you, if you are trying to grab something that don’t belongs to you, I won’t let you leave here in alive.” She try to control her temper.

      “Don’t be so nervous, I just would like to visit you, my dear. And, can’t you see He’s eyes fixed on me.” She narrows her eyes.

      “You think that you are smart just because you can read people’s minds” She won’t give up.

      “Oh, I am really sorry, I just can’t wait to see your fall. Alright, it’s already too late, I shall go to rest, see you my sister.”

      All is too quiet ant the dead of the night, Jasperia looks up upon the sky, looks at the moon and stars, “Simon, at least we are under the same sky, aren’t we”

      Priest Moran is so kind to everyone but his temper is so odd. That was what residents say in Klean.

      Yes, he sees patients for them, uses his money to rebuilt the churches and does all good things. However he always stares blankly for no reason, looks disappointed for no reason, only he knows what happened.

      He remembers that he forgets a girl, that kind of feeling is like losing the whole world.

      Love is invisible, but because of that it makes people feel worse.

      Whatever what happened to him, the residents like him a lot. All the priests came to Klean because they need power. Although they can pretend to be kindhearted, they can pretend to be happy in doing good, they can put Moran down, they can plot him secretly, but it can’t last for long, they can’t bear to stay here for five years, they left Klean one by one, only Simon stays, because that is what he wants to do.

      In this moment, the flames of the war rages across Atlantis. Margaretha, steals the heart of the king to enter this war, and let the king crazily falls in love with her. Jasperia is ignored, she starts to worry, not because of herself, but because of Atlantis’s fate and safety, she doesn’t know what to do, if Simon is still here, he will see through her sadness, and use his deep blue eyes fix his gaze on her, “ Jasmine, tomorrow always come. When you know that, you will never fall again.” But now, she just can’t see her future.

      Of course she is sad, but life is still continuing.

      This night is the victory meeting for the soldiers, Jasperia replaced the king to officiate the meeting, and toast with those soldiers.

      She wishes if she has next life, she can be a man. So that she can go on expeditions, drink and eat like a man, she doesn’t like just always set there, and waits things things to happen, men don’t need to care about how to speak, walk and laugh.

      At least today, she thinks, I want to be myself and get away from everything, just to have fun.

      When they had became mellow with wine, one solider drew her sleeve gently, “ Your Majesty, I have something to tell you.” There are full of blood streaks in his eyes.

      They went to a room beside the lobby.

      “What will that be”

      “Your Majesty, you are not the only one that feel pain because of his Majesty.”

      “What do you mean”

      “Can you promise don’t speak out”


      “I know I am stepping in crime, but I have known Rosbin for 15 years, I loved him and I still do. I protect him in secret, and pray for both of you, I saw it, when he stays with you, he is happy, but now, he is falling…

      “Oh my god…Do you… But, why I…”

      “The people like me, doesn’t count.” He smiles.

      “Maybe… There’s a way… Do you want to be remembered by him”

      “Yes, it will be my pleasure.”

      “Even die for him”

      “Yes. Will you put me into jail”

      “True love is always innocent.” She smiles like sunshine.

      There’s a tradition in Atlantis, the King’s personal bodyguard will replace each ten years, and the big day is coming.”

      “My queen, do you have any suitable choice” Rosbin is too lazy to manage it by himself, all he thinks is to back to his room and stay with his lovely Margaretha.

      “How about William Christian”

      “Why him”

      “Strong, fast, and has a loyal heart. Is that enough”

      “William, can you come closer to me”


      “Do you think you can take this job”

      “Yes, I do.”

      “Then rom now, you are my personal bodyguard, come here.”

      The night grows late. William thinks Rosbin is sleeping so he begins to pray, but unfortunately, he is still awake.

      “My lord Jehovah, thou must think I’m stupid, but my love to him has already been 15 years… I can bear it for 10 years more I won’t show it, I will keep keep that till the end of my life, if he knows someday, I will end my life, I know, I don’t count…”

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