次级(secondary)解离:在创伤中, 心智「离开(leaving)」身体,且犹如在距离外观察所发生的事,例如,自我感丧失。脑影像学研究发现mPFC(前额业皮质內测)和ACC(磷酸化)活性增加及加上扩散开的(distributed)颞-顶皮质活性,造成心理我(psychological self)或心灵与生理我(physical self)或身体的脱离。
An additional aspect of the controversy of diagnosis is that there are many forms of dissociation and memory lapses, which can be common in both stressful and nonstressful situations and can be attributed to much less controversial diagnoses. [ 38 ] Individuals faking or mimicking DID due to factitious disorder will typically exaggerate symptoms (particularly when observed), lie, blame bad behavior on symptoms and often show little distress regarding their apparent diagnosis.In contrast, genuine DID patients typically exhibit confusion, distress and shame regarding their symptoms and history.
Key words: stressful, nonstressful, confusion, distress, shame.
1. Dissociative identity disorder. wikipedia(無日期). 2015年10月3日取自 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociative_identity_disorder
2. [38] Paris J (2012). "The rise and fall of dissociative identity disorder". Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 200 (12): 1076–9. doi:10.1097/NMD.0b013e318275d285. PMID 23197123.
3. 周勵志(無日期). DSM-5解離性障礙(Dissociative Disorders)的診斷改變. 精神疾病診斷及統計手冊第五版通訊. 2015年10月2日取自 www.sop.org.tw/Dsm5/Folder/2012_04/20121202.pdf