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3、Chapter III ...

  •   It is such a short life, nobody can live instead of other’s.
      There are so much people in this big world, they are all in different area, do different things, have different ideas and different hobbies……
      Someone like peace, someone like lively; someone get married, for love, for loneliness, or for others, whatever there is none of my business.
      I will not persuade you to get a divorce, I will not say to you how great single is day and night, I will not be responsible for your life no matter your are single or not, and I respect all your choices.
      Of course someone wanna be single, as well, keep your mouth,you will not live instead of my life,you can ‘t feel my feeling, if you can’t respect my choice, just don’t interfere in my private concern.
      I am selfish, I think.
      But please, let me make decisions in my own things, just as though my belated rebellion period.
      Later the long,long time, no matter I regret or not, I am ready to pay myself the consequences.
      Remember, what is that to you!

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