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4、31-40 ...

  •   31. J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter share the same birthday, July 31th.


      32. Over 7000 girls tried out for the part of Lavender Brown, Ron’s love interest in the Half-Blood Prince.


      33. The original script for the Harf-Blood Prince showed Harry taking possesion of Dumbledore’s wand. After the release of the Deathly Hallows book, the script had to be changed.


      34. The ring of fire that Dumbledore conjures in the Half-Blood Prince took graphic artists eight months to complete.


      35. In Greek Mythology, a Seer named Cassandra was given her powers by the God Apollo, who later cursed her so no one would believe her prophecies. Professor Trelawney’s great grandmother’s name is Cassandra.


      36. The carpet in Professor Umbriage’s office cost 50000 ($71225) to make.


      37. Daniel Radcliffe has joked about playing a drag queen as a character because he thinks he looks good in makeup, and would love to wear the costumes.


      38. Dean Thomas was almost named Gary.


      39. Publishers suggested Rowling used the name “J.K.” to appeal to male readers. She took the “K” from her grandmother’s name Kathleen. In fact, there is no “K” in her legal name.


      40. Several publishers rejected the fist copy of Harry Potter saying it was too long and literary, but Bloomsbury Publisher finally accepted it in 1996.

第4章 31-40

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