“I\'ll be your dream I\'ll be your wish I\'ll be your fantasy I\'ll be your hope I\'ll be your love Be everything that you need. I\'ll love you more with every breath Truly, madly, deeply do I will be strong I will be faithful \'cause I\'m counting on
A new beginning A reason for living A deeper meaning
I want to stand with you on a mountain I want to bathe with you in the sea I want to lay like this forever Until the sky falls down on me”
Rachel远远看着Quinn,缓慢穿过人群,直到没有人再阻隔两人的对视。Quinn的嘴角挂着笑容,眼神却异样的炙热,灼热着Rachel的心。当一曲终了,Quinn迎上走下舞台的她,握住她手腕牵着她远离人群,Rachel从来不知道自己的心跳可以那样狂乱。 当Quinn推开bathroom的门的时候,Rachel脸上的笑容更深了,可当她立马被Quinn抵在门上用力吻住,她什么都忘记了,只有柔软的唇与舌,和总也无法满足的想贴的更近的欲望。Rachel的双手插入Quinn的金发轻扯着,惹得后者轻吟一声,化成电流划过她的脊椎。Quinn开始亲吻她的下巴,脖颈,当温热的舌尖贴上她的脉搏,Rachel忍不住moan,“oh, God…” 她抬起Quinn的头,急切地又一次吻住了她渴望已久的双唇。喘息间,Quinn慢下了节奏,开始轻柔地亲吻。最后,两人双眼紧闭贴着额头喘息着,Quinn突然嗤笑一声,“God,为什么我们等了这么久!” Rachel也笑了起来,睁开眼看见那双穿透灵魂般的琥珀色眼睛,情不自禁地说,“God,you are so beautiful!”Quinn有些害羞地移开视线,“and cute!” Quinn退开身,低头深吸了口气,抬起头直望进巧克力色眼睛,“Rachel Berry,will you go out on a date with me tomorrow” Rachel挑起眉,“I thought you’d never ask.”