Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling Do you feel my heart beating Do you understand Do you feel the same Am I only dreaming Is this burning an eternal flame I believe it's meant to be, darling I watch you when you are sleeping You belong with me Do you feel the same Am I only dreaming Or is this burning an eternal flame Say my name sun shines through the rain A whole life so lonely And then you come and ease the pain I don't want to lose this feeling Oh, no~~~~~~~
Angel出了Grill,左看右看,终于发现了坐在路边的Damon。 Damon:“哟,这不是知心哥哥嘛。” Angel坐到Damon身边:“干嘛坐在这?” Damon:“Compel了酒保把最好的酒给我,事后要逃跑么。” Angel接过酒瓶,打开瓶盖闻了一下,立刻眉开眼笑:“嗯——上帝保佑你。” Damon喝了一口酒:“手里拿的什么。” Angel看看手里的餐巾纸小纸条:“电话号码。” Damon一挑眉:“真的?男人的还是女人的。” Angel一张张扒拉:“这个是女孩子。这两个是男的,还有这一个,嗯,我确定这个人还摸了我屁股一把。” Damon撇了撇嘴。 两人坐在路边喝酒,Grill里面的歌声隐隐传来。 Damon:“Angel我有个问题。” Angel:“问呐。” Damon:“埃琳娜希望你跟我们住在一起是因为她想让你多影响斯特凡,但是你一直跟我在一起,为什么?” Angel耸了耸肩:“斯特凡可不是我喜欢的款。” Damon一挑眉,挑起左边嘴角,似笑非笑的说:“那我是你喜欢的款喽。” Angel笑了:“如果是我可不会这么联想。” Damon收起调戏的表情:“到底为什么?” Angel放下酒瓶,看着Damon。 “Damon,虽然你又笨,又冲动,还很幼稚,但是你花了145年想要找到并救出你的爱人。斯特凡却花了145年来否认和谴责他的爱。” “Damon,you may be stupid, impulsive and juvenile, but you spent 145 years try to find and rescue your love. Stefan spent those years in denial and blame. ” “为什么比起你我会更喜欢他?” “Why would I like him more than you?”
Heartbeats fast Colours and promises How to be brave How can I love when I’m afraid to fall…
But watching you stand alone All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow One step closer…
Every breath Every hour has come to this One step closer I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I love you for a thousand more And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me…