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  •   "You're being very mean!" I cried as I tried to grab the cd player from him, Lucius was too busy sneering while his friends backed him up. "You just wait till I tell Molly about this!" I growled but he just laughed.

      "Going to go running to your girlfriend because I'm being 'very mean'" He asked in a teasing tone but there was a bit of darkness in it making me blink hard and take step back. Why is he looking at me like that

      "Fine! Then I'll just go to... somebody else. Besides she's not my girlfriend!" I blushed and looked away but that just meant that when he pinched my chin and forced me to look up at him... I didn't notice how close he had actually gotten to me. He stared into my eyes with his light gray orbs and I was suddenly overcome with the feeling that Molly would never believe this... that someone could have eyes the color of clouds.

      "I thought you were taken... my mistake." His words were soft and clipped but I noticed something in those eyes... like he was trying to predict my every movement for the next ten years and it was frustrating him that he couldn't figure it out... but that's impossible. He can't figure everything out about me.

      "You should get a laugh out of this but girls don't like boys like me. We're too nice, a little too pudgy, and not amazing at magic like everyone else." I grumbled and looked away, even as he continued to hold onto my chin.

      "What other boy is like you" Lucius murmured, his icy breath gliding along my cheeks. I blinked hard and tried to think but its getting increasingly difficult.

      "I don't know... I think I just said it so that I don't sound too pathetic." I muttered but this seemed to be the final pixie for the blond as he leaned down and ghosted his lips over mine.

      "I'm glad... it would have been annoying to have to switch to watching someone else rather than you, Arthur." The way his lips shaped my name and the sound of it from his voice... I pulled away and blinked rapidly trying to figure out if I'm dreaming or not.

      "I've got... Care of Magical Insects to go to." I stuttered and then began to back away.

      "Do you mean Care of Magical 'Creatures'" Lucius smirked making my face redden before I turned to run to class. What's wrong with me!

      Taking a large gulp of air I then sighed softly to myself.

      Then realized that I have this class with the Slytherins.
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第1章 原文

  • 本文当前霸王票全站排行,还差 颗地雷就可以前进一名。[我要投霸王票]
  • [灌溉营养液]
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