第三封,还是李教授的,有点无头无尾。不过,内容很有意思,是一段关于庄子的话。 “One day about sunset, Zhuangzi dozed off and dreamed that he turned into a butterfly.He flapped his wings and sure enough he was a butterfly...What a joyful feeling as he fluttered about, he completely forgot that he was Zhuangzi. Soon though, he realized that that proud butterfly was really Zhuangzi who dreamed he was a butterfly, or was it a butterfly who dreamed he was Zhuangzi! Maybe Zhuangzi was the butterfly, and maybe the butterfly was Zhungzi tr. Brian Bruya” “庄子一天傍晚做梦梦见自己变成了蝴蝶,一只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。自己非常快乐,悠然自得,不知道自己是庄周。梦醒之后发现自己还是庄子,于是他不知道自己到底是梦到庄子的蝴蝶呢,还是梦到蝴蝶的庄子。”