Due to the sad untimely death of Ms Prince we are no longer accepting new members because we are true fans of hers who were her friends not just in life and not just in death. 由于普林斯小姐令人悲痛地早逝了,我们决定不再接收新会员。因为我们是她真正的粉丝,是她真正的朋友——无论在她生前死后。
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============================================== ================HOME========================== Hello my darlings and welcome to my wonderful website. 亲爱的大家好~!欢迎来到我的奇妙网页。
I'm here to prove that we can all look fabulous whatever our age and whatever our income! As you know, I myself refuse to succumb to the modern day scourge of plastic surgery. Why destroy my natural beauty when there are so many organic choices available to us all! So, come with me darlings, and let me show you how to make yourself beautiful. You might think it's impossible but I'm Connie Prince and I can do it. 我在这里是为了证明,无关年龄、无关收入,我们都能成为奇迹!如你所知,我自己拒绝屈服于当下整容手术的潮流。为什么明明拥有这么多天然的选择却偏偏要摧毁自己天生的美丽?!因此跟我来吧亲们,让我告诉你怎样让自己变得美丽。也许你觉得难以置信,但记住我能做到,因为我是科妮·普林斯。
------------------ Who is Connie Prince 科妮·普林斯是谁? -------- My name's Connie Prince and no matter what that scandalous report in the Strand said, I'm 36. I grew up in the lower class London suburb of Chiswick but dragged myself up out of that grubby gutter and paid my way through a degree in fashion and make-up. After that, the world was quite literally my oyster! 我的名字是科妮·普林斯,今年36岁——别管Strand的小道消息怎么说。我生于伦敦郊区Chiswick的下层社会但自己爬出了那肮脏的贫民区并自费修完了一个时尚与化妆方面的学位。在那之后,世界就在我的手中!(literally:简直;oyster:牡蛎。这句是意译。有错请指出……)
--------------------- Where did you start work 你最初的工作是什么? -------- I started work in television on such series as Juliet Bravo, Bergerac and the frightfully glamourous Howards' Way. Oh, we did have some laughs on that show. I remember dear Kate (that's Kate O'Mara) telling me that her popularity was as much down to me as it was to her. She's a sweetheart. Following my success there, I went over to Hollywood and was the leading make-up artist on a number of very popular movies - too numerous to mention! 我最开始是在《Juliet Bravo》、《Bergerac》还有可怕又迷人的《Howards' Way》这一类电视剧里工作。噢,那时候我们的确很开心。我还记得亲爱的凯特(凯特·奥玛拉)告诉我,她的名气一半来源于自身,另一半来源于我。她是个小甜心。在那里获得成功之后,我去了好莱坞,成为了几部相当有名的电影里的首席化妆师——值得说的实在太多了。
--------------------- Why did you come back 你是什么时候回国的? -------- I received the terrible news that my dear brother Kenny had fallen on bad times. I won 't go into details but let's just say he won't be going back to Sitges again. So, naturally, I flew straight back to help him out. And you know what I felt warm inside because of it. It made me realise that I could do so much more than simply entertain cinema audiences. I could share my skills, my abilities, my innate talent with the world. With the people. So, as well as my incredibly popular TV show, I've decided to go interactive! This is me! Sharing my world with you! As I once said to dear Joanie (that's Joanie Collins) 'Darling, with just the right teacher, we can all be fabulous!'. 我得知了我亲爱的弟弟肯尼跌入低谷的坏消息。我不想说细节,只能说他不会再回Sitges了。所以,自然而然地,我飞回来帮他的忙。你知道吗,这让我觉得很温暖。它让我意识到除了整天进出摄影棚之外我还能做到那么多。我可以与全世界分享我的技艺、我的能力、我的天赋。因此,除了我那不可思议地获得了成功的电视节目之外,我决定开展交流!这就是我!跟你一起分享我的世界!如我曾经对亲爱的琼妮(琼妮·柯林斯)说过的那样,“只要有一个好老师,我们都能成为奇迹!”
---------------------- Who's in 这里都有谁? --------- Heather from EastEnders! I know, I know, but it's the alice bands! They work for her and they'll work for us all! EastEnders的希瑟!我知道,我知道,是爱丽丝乐队!他们以前服务于她,但现在他们要为我们工作了!
---------------------- Who's out 谁不包括在内? --------- My brother Kenny, I'm afraid. If you've not got the arms, don't wear the vest.I said a similar thing to a certain Corrie actress about her neck last time she popped round for a nut roast. Some things are best kept covered up. 很遗憾是我的弟弟肯尼。如果你没有武器就别穿防弹衣(大约是别穿T恤打领带之类的意思……),我曾经在某个Corrie(这个是啥= =)女演员去烤坚果的时候就她的衣领对她说过类似的话。有些东西还是挡起来的好。
--------------------- Stop Press!! 拒绝压力!! This week I was featured in the 'Spotted' section of Heat magazine! 这周我已经在Heat杂志的“聚焦”栏目里露脸了!