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1、记纠结过但总会雨过云舒的日子 ...
呵呵,最近看文看得过分的多。被大大小小各种虐洗脑过之后,竟然还可以很温暖的觉得,无论过程会有多纠结多漫长,最后都能守来属于自己的Happy Ending~
真的,有什么大不了的呢,连Blair和Chuck在深深地伤害彼此也伤害了自己后,还可以冰释前嫌握手言和。Little Jenny看的透彻,他们只有在拥有彼此的时候才会是强大的,B没有了C之后找不到King的Queen只是个空空的帽子,C失去了B之后纵然怀中揽着Eva或者其他任何莺莺燕燕俯瞰整个Manhattan心里也会是空虚的,针锋相对的最后只可能两败俱伤。
这几天忙忙碌碌晕头转向的。上课、带徒弟、做节目、赶作业、挂听力、准备小组发言的PPT……非常不巧又赶上教学测评老师们都频繁点名……我是是真的很忙,所以ZFH我如果忘记了和你说happy birthday就真的是忙忘了,你肯定不介意我在几天之后终于有机会喘息了就立马补上迟到的祝福,哈?~\(^o^)/~
昨晚熬夜做访谈节目,从头到尾都很崩溃……我明明知道访谈录得很长很恶心,还把所有干音攒到播出的前一天才剪,的确是我的错……可是God啊,你不能无良到,让我在所有版头结尾配乐背景音都调好就差混录了的时候,让我的电脑死机吧……而且半夜宿舍断电唉,我可怜的本本电池只能坚持两个小时……虽然Adobe Audition3.0很强大,但是我“恢复会话”-“现在继续”之后,发现多轨里面所剩无几的音频,全是有损的……呵,呵呵,呵呵呵……我终于凌乱了,一点多守着屏幕开始返工想死的心都有了……还好我把剪完的干音提前存好了,如果让我把将近一个小时的浓重法语口音的英语干音从头再做一遍,我会非常happy地把访谈直接放弃的!o(>﹏<)o!
Devotion - My Prayer
Dear god,
I know that she's out there...the one I'm suppose to share my whole life with.
And in time...you'll show her to me.
Will you take care of her, comfort her, and protect her...until that day we meet.
And let her know...my heart...is beating with hers.
In a dream I hold you close
Embracing you with my hands
You gazed at me with eyes full of love
And made me understand
That I was meant to share it with you
My heart my mind my soul
Then I open my eyes
And all I see reality shows I'm alone
But I know someday that you'll be by my side
Cause I know god's just waiting till the time is right
God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day is cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way
God will you let her know that I love her so
When theres no one there that she's not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers
So I prayed until that day(prayed until that day)
When our hearts will beat as one (when our hearts will beat as one)
I will wait so patiently(patiently)
For that day to come (for that day to come)
I know someday that you'll be by my side
Cause I know god's just waiting till the time is right
God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day is cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way(shine her the way)
God will you let her know that I love her so
When theres no one there that she's not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers
Is beating with hers (oh~)
My heart is beating with hers (oh~)
It's beating with hers
God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day is cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way
God will you let her know that I love her so
When theres no one there that she's not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers
Oh~it's beating with hers (it's beating with yours)