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265、齐格蒙特·巴奇(Zygmunt Budge) ...

  •   2013年,索尼联手Pottermore推出的增强现实书籍《魔法书:魔药之书》,它的内容基于虚构的魔药书《魔药之书》,而《魔药之书》的作者就是齐格蒙特·巴奇(Zygmunt Budge),他生活于16世纪。




      (第六章)请明白,一些人觉得我已经因为失望变得反常。这是胡说八道!我的一生漫长又充实,一个人,在赫梅特拉岛(Island of Hermetray)上,投身于此,我的杰作,我的遗产——《魔药之书》。我一直梦想有一天,这本书可以陪伴一个伟大的药剂师赢得锦标赛冠军,,而我现在就觉得它正在实现!

      Chapter 1:根据霍格沃茨图书管理员对巴奇及其著作的评价可知,他在书上留下了他本人的思想,会教唆读者从事一些危险的活动。

      Chapter 2:巴奇自己制作的缩身药剂十分强效,滴一滴在草上,就会导致一整群羊缩成老鼠那么小。

      Chapter 3:在赫梅特拉岛上,只有老鼠和羊群与巴奇作伴。为了试验他的美容药剂(只能用在人或与人类外貌相似的生物身上),巴奇用自己来做实验。几星期以后,他的小岛来了许多麻瓜女人,她们绕着岛边划船边大叫“亲一个,帅哥!”。巴奇本身长得并不怎么样,他妈妈还曾叫他“蘑菇脸”,由此可见,他的美容药剂非常成功。此后,巴奇停止了实验,还全身上下仅穿着一条缠腰布就以本来面貌出现在海滩上,把一个个年轻女人吓得不是翻了船就是落荒而逃。

      Chapter 5:巴奇并不是一个爱笑的人。他那“嘻嘻哈哈到令人不安”的曾祖母曾给他一张“大笑药水”的古老配方,后来,经过提炼,巴奇制出的大笑药水可以令人大笑整整五天。巴奇的一个麻瓜邻居认为自己是这个世上最幽默的人,他拿巴奇开玩笑的一系列行为惹怒了巴奇,于是有一天,巴奇给他喝了一杯大笑药水,使他整整笑了一个星期。从此以后,这位邻居成为了一个沉默寡言的修道士,请求别人不要在他面前做任何有趣的事情。

      Chapter 6:巴奇发明了狐媚子灭剂,因为它们每到秋天都会来小岛上捣乱。最开始的版本令狐媚子燃烧了起来,把岛上的植物都点着了,巴奇不得不下海躲避燃烧的狐媚子。

      Chapter 7:巴奇是福灵剂的发明者。有一天,一个叫Tertius的男巫漂到了巴奇的小岛上,被巴奇救下。男巫是个孤儿,也是家里唯一的巫师,他的两个兄弟出于对他魔力的恐惧,在父母死后将他逐出了家门。将Tertius送离小岛的时候,巴奇在Tertius不知情的情况下给他的水里加了福灵剂。Tertius在福灵剂的帮助下,最后成为了一命古灵阁的解咒师,生活无忧。而他的两个兄弟则因为喝了巴奇寄去的强效缩身药剂而变成了像甲虫那么小,为了避免被猫吃掉,而不得不在碗柜下躲了好几天。

  • 作者有话要说:  【Wonderbook-Book of Potions中齐格蒙特·巴奇的自白】
    【Chapter One】I am Zygmunt Budge and I am the greatest potionmaker ever born. This is no empty boast -- I invented many of the Wizarding World's most powerful potions. I discovered the properties of hundreds of secret plants and creatures. I have dedicated my life to the most mysterious and misunderstood branch of magic and these pages contain the secrets of my art distilled for new generations of Hogwarts students.
    Such students may be surprised that a man of my talent and accomplishments does not appear on the roll of Hogwarts Head Boys or Prefects. But the sad fact is that I was cheated of my rightful place in Wizarding history by the short-sightedness, the pettiness, the meanness of a Headmaster whom I shall never name because he does not deserve to have his name in print beside mine! Suffice it to say, my genius was unappreciated in my own lifetime. But now you, young Potioneer hold in your hands my masterpiece, my Book of Potions, containing all of my distilled knowledge. With it my place in history is assured.
    They all said my word was dangerous. I was too radical for their puny minds. But you -- I can help you.
    Good, now I am Zygmunt Budge, genius, Potions Master, author of the very book you hold.
    【Chapter Two】Ever since I was old enough to play potion-making with a small bucket and a handful of worms, it had been my ambition to win this, the wizarding schools potion championship, the most famous and prestigious of all potions tournaments. As you can see, young witches and wizards from around the globe congregate every seven years, in this enchanted garden, full of rare and dangerous plants and fearsome creatures, passed which they must battle, brewing potions as they go, to win the fabled golden cauldron at the summit of the central hill. As the winner, I will, arghhh, I mean you will be given the opportunity to brew a new and unique potion, in front of the crowds! How many nights did I fall asleep, dreaming of displaying my talents to an applauding throng, stirring in rare and undiscovered plants, creating hitherto unknown magical effects?
    【Chapter Four】As I've said, it was my life's dream to win the Wizarding Schools Potions Championship. When I judged that I was ready – I was fourteen years old, top of my year in Potions, and able to correct my Professor on the proper use of Mackled Malaclaw tails – I asked my Headmaster for permission to enter. But, alas, imagine my horror and disgust when he forbade me! Because I was not yet seventeen, and the competition was "too dangerous". A paltry, feeble, nonsensical excuse! There was nothing for me to do but leave Hogwarts at once in protest. I am sure you will agree that abandoning the school that sought to stifle my brilliance is as a potioneer was the right decision. However, as only contestants representing Wizarding schools were permitted to enter the championship, after leaving Hogwarts I was no longer eligible!
    【Chapter Six】Please understand, some have suggested that disappointment warped me. This is nonsense. I enjoyed a long and full life, alone on Hermetray, working on this, my masterwork, my legacy, the 'Book of Potions'. I always dreamt that one day this book might accompany a great potioneer to victory at the Championship and now it feels as though it is in reach.

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